疫情期间,几乎所有的新车发布会均采用了网上直播的形式,从而开辟出了线上发布的新模式。有业内人士认为,Insiders believe that network broadcast is expected to replace the traditional launch to become the main melody of car marketing.But is this really the case?网络直播有望取代传统发布会成为汽车营销的主旋律。然而,事实真的是这样吗?
实际上,作为大宗消费品的汽车与口红等快消品最大的不同是,消费者在购买汽车产品时,一定会通过较长时间的线下体验过程感受产品Very few people make a choice based on just watching a show,Very few people make a choice based on just watching a show直播发布会,就下单购买。因此,即使网络直播的流量再高,也很难产生实际的转化率。
在媒体专家管学军老师和蓝河老师看来,线上直播是“造势”,线下体验是“造事”,The two should be the link between the past and the future, and can really finally move the consumer,还是线下的体验过程。未来,线上直播的形式可能会更加多样化,但随着疫情的消散,传统的线下发布会、体验活动依然会是汽车行业的主流。