广州公关活动策划 -第七届WOD新品发布会亮点多多!


 广州公关活动策划 -第七届WOD新品发布会亮点多多!

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12月18日,The 7th wod new product conference and Sino Italian Design Forum ended in Dongquan Holiday Hotel, Dalian. More than 400 people came together to discuss the design trend of home furnishing industry and what kind of sparks will be generated by the collision of different ideas,让我们一同走进这场与众不同的发布会。

WOD是国内家具材料供应商为整合材料解决方案自发组成的资源共享平台。It has been held for seven consecutive sessions, and wod has been constantly innovating, bringing new design concepts and design ideas to the furniture industry, providing the best quality supply chain resources for participating enterprises, and promoting the rapid development and progress of the industry.

The highlight of this conference is Andrea Federici (former design director of scarolini), a famous Italian designer, and the wod 2020 series of all house customized products tailored for the wod. The pure Italian minimalist style works are presented in the conference,设计师更是深度解读意大利家居设计流行趋势,现场讲述产品设计背后的故事。
引人瞩目的2020系列全屋定制产品中的厨房是Andrea Federici以真实的意大利厨房生活为设计灵感,通过对家具材料、色彩的巧妙搭配,打造出时尚、高品质的烹饪环境。
发布会中,Andrea Federici分别从材质、色彩、结构对这套厨房进行了剖析。烤漆门板、卡拉卡塔系列石英石,再搭配pvc饰面材料,彰显质感的同时,不失温度。Timeless pop colors, classic black and white grey with smoked eucalyptus wood from Europe, and kalacata's yellow texture embellish it, showing a harmonious and elegant kitchen environment. The kitchen as a whole is divided into three parts: island platform, wall type high cabinet and storage type wall. It can take things, wash and cook with smooth moving lines and more efficient and comfortable cooking work.

随着Andrea Federici对厨房的现场解读与演示,可以看到来自德国汉斯格雅的水槽和抽拉龙头、以及来自德国凯斯宝玛的风尚灰系列、瑞士铂格系列产品在这套厨房中发挥着不小的作用,亮眼夺目。石材、炊具、餐具分门别类收纳进不同的储物空间,清晰明了,取放便捷,厨房时刻保持整洁与质感。
设计师的分享以及富胜家居带来的极具竞争力的产品解决方案不断为发布会带来惊喜,引Warm response from the guests on site. In addition, there are many highlights in the conference. Let's take a look at them first!
本届发布会,WOD与意大利知名设计师Andrea Federici在热烈的掌声中完成了战略合作签约仪式!



Finally, the finale of this press conference, the design director of Boloni, the design director of e-rexam, Andrea Federici of Italy and two Chinese designers jointly discuss home design, and jointly promote the development of home industry!




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